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A good time was had by all!

It was a quick and busy weekend as we celebrated the Easter holiday.

The weekend included Jacob’s baseball game - please note the “slide” into home plate. Maybe this is commonplace, but every single boy slides to home every single time…whether they need to or not. They claim it’s to “get their pants dirty.” (which I’m not sure white pants for the rookie league was such a good idea anyway, but they didn’t ask me.)

I just think this is sooo cute!

We tried a new restaurant in town, 5 Guys Burgers. It was really good. We will definitely be going back.

Had egg hunts in the neighborhood, at home and at Easter lunch.

Went to church.

And then had a fun Easter lunch at Pappasitos complete with a sombrero and poncho wearing bunny and an egg hunt. And I realize that many of you may not think fajitas sound much like Easter, but well, we thought it was bueno!

Mucho gracias for coming Mom and Dad!!!