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Praying your kids to school ...

Whew! … the start of school is always crazy!

As I write this my kids are running through the house singing (screaming?) at the top of their lungs, trying on new outfits, making sure I know what they want in their lunch box, wondering what their new classes will be like … and Jacob can’t stop talking about the catfish that his teacher has sitting on a bookshelf in his new room. Their excitement is palpable…in fact I wonder if they are ever going to fall asleep!

I’ve made sure they have their school supplies, clothes, backpacks, water bottles and lunchboxes. Their forms are filled out (well, most of them anyway!) and we’ve set the alarms to be sure and wake up in time. But more importantly than what I can provide to meet their external needs are the things I can pray for to meet their internal needs.

I’m not gonna lie to ya…I’ve worried and fretted about who does or doesn’t have friends in their classes, is the class a right fit for my child, will the teacher understand the needs of my child … the list can go on and on. I keep hearing a nudge in my soul saying … “do you trust me or not?”

So yes … I’m sending them to school tomorrow trusting. Trusting that He knows where they should be and what needs they will need met. Trusting that my children will make decisions based on what we’ve tried to teach them and hoping and praying for the best.

All that to say … one of my friends sent me this prayer guide today that her mom had given her. It’s such a great reminder and outline of things we can pray (daily!) for our kids.

Things to pray:

  1. Your child’s teacher - They spend a significant amount of time with your child and have an enormous influence on their year. Pray that they have a Christ-like heart and a love for children.

  2. Your child’s friends - Pray that they are kind and loving. Pray that your child can share Jesus with them if they don’t already know Christ.

  3. Your child’s academics - Schoolwork loses it’s luster for some children after a time. Pray that your child will love learning this year and absorb all that’s required of them. Ask that this love of learning never cease.

  4. Safety at your school - We live in an unpredictable world. Pray for safety on your child’s campus and safety for all of the schools in our country.

  5. Pray for your Principal/School Leaders - Decisions made by Principals and School Leaders have an incredible impact on our area. Ask that decisions be made in the best interest of all and that single agendas be left to the wayside. Pray for protection over these leaders and for their courage when standing up for Christian values.

  6. Yourself - Pray that you, as the parent, will make wise decisions regarding your child’s education - academic and spiritual. Ask for guidance and for strength as you guide your child through this year.

Happy 2008-2009 School Year! Here’s to hoping it’s a great one!

UPDATED: 8/24/09

Another friend shared this prayer with me today and I love it too:

Here we are again, Lord. Their backpacks are loaded and their faces are scrubbed and their lunch accounts are full.

And I know you’ll walk with them, Lord. You always do. But a mom still has to ask.

Will You walk with them? Will You whisper to them what they need to hear, when I’m not there to whisper it?

Will You please, oh please, cover their school with the protection only You can give, and will You keep harm far away?

Will You make their minds strong and ready to learn? Will You help them understand that hard work honors the One who created them?

Will You guide their teachers, giving them patience and wisdom and creativity and more patience? Will You bless them for their efforts?

Will You love all those children there, the ones whose lunch accounts aren’t full, the ones who feel alone? Will You teach my children to be kind and unselfish and to love those who are different from them?

Will You point them back toward home just as soon as you can?

Lord, I give them to You today and everyday, trusting them to Your care.


Comments: #

libby campbell - Aug 1, 2009

Darla…I absolutely love reading your blogs! Thanks for sharing.


Kimberly - Aug 1, 2009

Wonderful prayer list, Darla. Wow. Thanks. Great bloggin’

Melissa - Aug 1, 2009

This is a wonderful post and love the prayer! Hope you all have a great first day!

Deanne - Aug 1, 2009

Good thoughts for all us actually - kids or no. We can pray for our leaders and ourselves in our jobs - that we lead good lives and share with those we come in contact with.

Thanks for the reminders. Hope everyone has a great first day of school!

funny girl - Sep 4, 2009

Dang it, Darla. You’re making me cry!!!

I’m printing the prayer guide…you know I need it.