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Yes, I said Pickleball...

I mentioned that we spent a week at Pine Cove Crier Creek Family Camp. There will be more on that later, but I have to tell you about one of my absolute favorite things to do at Family Camp.


Pickleball is like tennis played with a wiffle ball on a smaller court. A cross between tennis and ping pong some say.

I LOVE it.

It’s like an obsession. I want to play it all the time. Except that the only pickleball court that I know of is in Columbus, TX and they only let me in there for our week of family camp.

I will play during that week anytime, anyone. Here are Gina and David McKee playing Bill and I in a doubles match.

And when I play, I talk trash. Things like…“you’re going down” and “I’m ready to rumble”.

Somewhere during all this crazy talk I declared myself the Week 5 Pickle Ball Champion. It was noted that this was a “self proclamation” so it probably didn’t really count.

And even if it did count, another camper friend, Jenny, beat me in a singles match so badly this year that I had to refrain from championship talk for the rest of the week so as not to be labeled a fool.

She beat me 11-0 in one match and 11-4 in the second match. It was brutal. But I would like to note that it was very, very hot outside.

Yeah, it was so hot I wasn’t on top of my game. I’m sure (ahem) that was the problem.

And this loss came as a huge disappointment seeing how I spent $15 a week on tennis lessons all year long hoping at least to improve my pickleball game.

At one point we even stopped in the middle of the game to cool off. Jenny made me because I was swinging at air balls (much like Diane Sawyer does on the following video). I think Jenny thought I was having a heat stroke. After I put my head down towards my feet and told her I was letting the blood run back to my head she declared a mandatory water break.

But next year…when it cools off…I will once again be ready to take back my title.

And apparently Jenny and I aren’t the only ones who love pickleball. ABC news did this story and if you have absolutely no idea what pickleball is…this will fill you in.

And Jenny…if we ever play doubles, remember Bill is my secret weapon.

He and I….we can take you and Troy down!

Comments: #

Molly - Jul 3, 2009

OK, now I want to go to family camp just so I can play too!! Or maybe I’ll just ask Don if we can build a court in our backyard. . .

It looks like SO MUCH FUN!

I might be a little better than Diane Sawyer :)


Jenny C. - Jul 3, 2009

You and I and pickleball = BFF :)

Can’t wait to get out there next year. I don’t know if there really is a benefit to playing you again, though. I could just remain the Darla-proclaimed champion and retire at the height of my career…..

Arun s - Jan 1, 2017

Pickleball is growing like a wind driven wildfire. It’s consuming everything in its path, tennis courts, skate parks even parking lots. Fastest growing sport in America w/o a doubt. It’s fun and great aerobic and cardio for anyone. People of all ages are taking to it like ducks to water. Enjoy, Cheers!