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School starts back today which means our days of sleeping in until we wake up are officially over.  Boy have I enjoyed them.  There have been days I haven’t taken off my pajamas until well after noon and on Christmas Day Brittany left on her cute Santa pajama pants the entire day.  Why not?  It was, after all, Christmas.

Last night Jacob asked if he could have a sleepover in Brittany and Savannah’s room.  They have twin beds and he can fit a sleeping bag right in between them and be as happy as a clam snuggled in there.  The one thing we said was that we didn’t want them waking each other up early … remember, it was our (aka MY) last day to sleep in.

Brittany did just as she was told and woke up at 9:14 but stayed in her bed until the others woke up.  I know it was 9:14 because Caroline asked her at breakfast why she had numbers written on her hand and she answered … “because that’s the time I woke up.”

This isn’t unusual … Brittany has a journal she keeps next to her bed where she records (every.single.night) what time she goes to bed.  She says she looks back at it if she is tired the next day so she’ll know what time to go to bed and not be tired the following day.  (I DON’T KNOW WHERE THIS BEHAVIOR COMES FROM … I’m all about staying up half the night … like I’m doing right now).

Caroline said … “but what else did you write on your hand?”  Brittany reluctantly opened her hand and showed Caroline that it said … Psalms 19:14.

When we asked her why she wrote that she said … “well, I knew I couldn’t get up because it would wake Jacob up so I decided to read my Bible while I was laying in bed.  I woke up at 9:14 so I opened up Psalms and looked at 19:14 because it was kind of the same.  I liked the verse so I wrote it on my hand to remember”.  (I’ve paraphrased a little)

Tonight when I was putting Brittany to bed I asked her if she would show me the verse.  She read it:

“May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

We talked about what it meant and why she liked it and how, I felt like, God had given that verse to her for this year.  She memorized it and wrote it at the front of her Bible with the date.

And here’s what I told Brittany …  that is a great verse for all of us to memorize and one I’d like to be continually reminded of this year too.

I haven’t set many goals or resolutions … although I have set a few (that I’ll start in a day or two !) but I can do this:

I can look in His word each morning before I start my day.  I can ask Him to make his word real and relevant in my life.  And I can strive to make the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart pleasing to Him.

And I’m going to try really hard to do just that.

The only bummer is that my day will be starting a lot earlier than 9:14!

Comments: #

Amanda - Jan 2, 2010

You have NO idea what reading this post as meant to me.

I have been meditating on that verse recently.. and have a really big life decision in front of me… and I really felt like God was speaking to me through this! So not only was I touched and inspired by your girls amazing heart, but for the Savior himself!!

Thank you!!


Chelsea - Jan 2, 2010

So your daughter pretty much rocks. (Incase you didn’t know…)


Deanne - Jan 2, 2010

Very cool! (Although I’d have the OCD behavior looked into).I do start every morning with my Bible devotional (very early in the morning) but I don’t always do it with proper frame of heart. I’m going to try and keep this verse in mind going forward.

HoustonGurly - Jan 3, 2010

That’s awesome! I kinda wish my daughter were more organized and interested in reading the bible. Maybe she’ll get there one day!