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I wear readers now ... I'm sure you'll understand why.

I turned 43 on Friday.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I think “readers” may be part of my new normal.  When we met my parents, sister and niece in Tyler for dinner Friday night I wore them as a joke.

But the part of the joke that is totally not funny is that, as it turned out, I could see the menu quite a bit better with them on.  I’d like to thank you in advance for keeping this information to yourself.

Now clearly, I like to be wished a “Happy Birthday”.  Facebook throws a great party with birthday wishes but I did miss getting phone calls.  So I asked my family wish me a “happy birthday” real live and in person.

They were happy to oblige (that is, if you don’t count Addison who looked at me like I was a nut.)  :)

My family drove all that way to celebrate my birthday on Friday and Jacob’s birthday on Saturday with us.  We both felt very celebrated.  We enjoyed dinner:

And we had ourselves some laughs …

(Sorry about the yellowish pictures.  Since it was my birthday I could not be held responsible for getting out the good camera from the car … as opposed to my iphone with no flash.)

We came back to the hotel where we opened gifts, had some Crave cupcakes and this guy went swimming …

He got to swim until midnight because then it’s like we exactly share the same birthday.  I love sharing midnight with Jacob.  It’s like a gift I get every year that only gets better and better.

Jacob got to spend the morning shopping with Grandy and Grammy for a birthday present while Bill and I went and picked up the girls from camp.  I love, love, love seeing and hearing what God has done during their time at camp.  Pine Cove is one of my most favorite places in the world and every every year I am moved at the life changing stories that come from camp.  It was good to see these girls … as crazy as ever.

But we had more birthday to celebrate and so we were off to Chick Fil A to meet Grammy and Grandy, Deah and Addison, for Jacob’s birthday lunch.

I know this sweet thang must have been wondering when it would be her turn to celebrate!

I can’t tell you how happy Jacob and I were that she, Deah, Grammy and Grandy made the trip!  You made our day(s) special and we felt very loved.

PS  Remember not to tell anyone I need to wear readers.  It’s our secret.

Comments: #

Deb - Jul 2, 2010

Readers are so hip and cool. I started wearing them this summer. I think Carol had a similar experience as you when I made her put mine on once. Tip: WWF is MUCH more fun with readers!

Deanne - Jul 3, 2010

Not that I know, wink wink from your older cousin, but readers are cool and come in a tone of colors and patterns and match everything I have. Matter of fact, you might find them in my office desk, purse, by the bed, on the kitchen island,…. that is, if I needed them, wink wink.

Britt - Aug 1, 2010

I live in TYLER!! I saw your pictures of your dinner and thought, “HEY, that’s Mercados!” Lol! And yes, Pine Cove is amazing! I am so glad you had a good birthday!!