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And this is where I remembered I had a blog ...

People, what has become of me?

I had a blog.

I enjoyed posting on my blog.

It was what you might call an “escape” for me.

The funny thing is I have had LOTS of things happen that I wanted to blog about (and will), but I kept putting them out of my mind - over and over, day after day - because I had never written about my in - laws 50th anniversary party and our trip to Minnesota and well … it all just seemed too important to just write on a whim.

You should know, I have this really weird thing … and I’m sure if I had the time and the money therapy could cure it, but when something seems overwhelming to me, I ignore it.  Completely.  And the 50th anniversary post was one of those things.

Sometimes it’s the laundry.

Or the grocery store.

This week it was both of those things at the same time, which is always unfortunate for my family.

The last two weeks have been a blur (more on that later too).  Kids started school, I went back to HBU (only one class this semester) and I joined a tennis team.

That was not a typo.  You did not read that incorrectly.

I joined a team.

And that is strange and bizarre - even to me.

I bought a team “uniform” (that I don’t really want to wear because it is Aggie colors but I didn’t sign up to be captain so I didn’t get to pick).  Last night there was a kick off party (which I didn’t attend because really, who has the time?) where our entire team got matching wrist bands.

You know those sweat band things that you see people on TV wear?

I have those now.

I thought only professionals wore those and I will never, ever be confused with a professional so I’m not sure I’ll wear them but I like looking at them and feeling all “tennis like”.

Anyway … I’m thinking that now that I’ve actually written a post the others will be easier to write.

That is, if I remember that I have a blog … what with my busy tennis schedule and all!!  :)

PS  Happy Labor Day!  I would love to be driving to AR right now to go to the lake but high school sports are king.  And tomorrow Caroline is in a district wide volleyball tournament.  So I’ll just dream about the lake and watch lots of volleyball!