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This is from Sophie...

Some of you may know her as Boomama.

She is not me.

She sometimes writes for Lifeway and wrote the following blog to recap some of her experience at Living Proof Live in Memphis last weekend with Beth Moore.  (BTW, it is one of my 2010 goals to go to a Living Proof Live event … because it’s good to have goals you know).

Anyway … I could tell you what she wrote, but it’s better just coming straight from her.  I thought it was great….

Entrusted #

Sophie - October 11, 2009 #

I just woke up from a big ole Sunday afternoon nap, so I’m pretty sure that I won’t be going to sleep tonight until approximately 4 in the morning. But three nights in a row of lots of late-night talking and very little sleeping will take a toll on a girl.
On the drive home today I had a chance to really think about and process some of what we studied this past weekend at Living Proof Live in Memphis. I always leave events impacted and changed, but as a friend of mine said yesterday, there was something about this one - and I’m still figuring out exactly what it was - that felt very much like a wrecking ball. Maybe it’s because I just celebrated the big 4-0; maybe it’s because of some personal junk that I’m working through right now. But regardless: WRECKING BALL.
Yesterday in Memphis Beth mentioned something she’s been struggling with this year, and she said that for the first time in her life, God has entrusted her with that particular challenge. Her choice of words made a huge impression on me as we sat in the arena, but as I made my way down highway 78 this morning, they really settled into my heart and started to take root.
There have been certainly been times in my life when I have walked through a difficult season and thought about how God must have allowed a particular trial for my benefit and for His glory. But I don’t think I’ve ever looked at a trial as something that God has entrusted to me, as something that He has put into my care.
And I’ll tell you what: when I was driving down the highway today and started to think about hardships from that particular perspective, it took all of about two minutes before I felt the tears welling up in my eyes.
Because that illness? That grief? That thing you feel like you can’t tell a soul? That relationship that breaks your heart? That physical difficulty? That shame from a long time ago? That whatever-it-is that’s weighing heavy on you right now?
He hasn’t just allowed it. He has entrusted us with it. We are responsible for what we do with it. There is purpose in that thing.
And I don’t know about you, but that has rocked my world all day long.
“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” - 2 Corinthians 4:17-18

It makes such a difference how we look at things, doesn’t it?

Thanks to Sophie for sharing that word!

Comments: #

Deanne - Oct 2, 2009

Wow. That seems to be all I can say at this point. Thank you for sharing.

Robin - Oct 2, 2009

Darla, this blog goes on my “don’t you even think about deleting this bookmark” list. I’m going to substitute my dreaded morning walk for the aerobics I’m sure to encounter as I chuckle to my heart’s delight.
Entrusted…like Deanne, I have little words to say at this point, but lots to process.

Leslie Lauren - Oct 3, 2009

Oh dear. Perhaps I shall remember this the next time I want to get down because my hubby doesn’t want to seek a personal relationship with God. Or the next time I feel he is tearing down all the hard work I’ve done to build up our son in a solid faith.

Entrusted. I should probably tattoo the word on my heart.

boomama - Oct 1, 2009

Darla - it makes me smile that you shared this. And that word - entrusted - is still just all over me. Can’t shake it for anything.