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The rest of the story ....

I just had a “request” from Dallas.  My friend Debra says you need to know the “rest of the story” about the McDonald’s Arch cards for the soldiers.

Long story short … I happened to tell someone at the McDonalds by my house about it (because I am, uhm, a “frequenter” of their business and they know me there) about my idea.  She loved it and said she wanted her boss to hear about it … who then wanted the Houston office to hear about it, who then, I assume, called the Dallas office (regional headquarters) and told them about it.

And then a nice lady named Erica from Dallas called me and said … “we’re shipping you Arch cards today to pass out to soldiers”.  She went on to say that they generally only support Ronald McDonald charities, but they wanted to help out with this project.  She also said they were sending BGO cards to the families left behind by the soldiers who were overseas.  I had to ask, but BGO cards are “buy one/get one” cards.

Today my cousin wrote this sweet blog, and it made my day.

Because really and truly … it only takes a spark.

I’d love for you to join us in setting a fire of thanks to our soldiers.  As we fly to see our familes, let’s thank those who are flying away from their families to protect our freedom.

I kind of thought McDonalds was in the burger business.  According to Erica … they like causing people to smile ….

And I’ve signed up to help them out.