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What Lady Gaga and I have in common ...

It might be summer but there is still a lot going on at the Baerg house.  There is a Lady Gaga/Beyonce song playing on the radio and one of the lines says … “I feel like I live in Grand Central Station”.

I totally know how Lady Gaga feels.

I’m pretty sure that is the ONLY thing Lady Gaga and I have in common.

It was just a week ago today we came home from the lake in Arkansas.  Besides getting Brittany graduated, we celebrated the last day of school.  All the 5th graders get to run down Brittmore Dr. (the event is called “Boogie Down Brittmore”)

while everyone else throws water balloons.

Lots of water balloon throwers:

They run to the pool at the end of the street. SUCH a fun tradition.

They have lunch:

and really just enjoy remembering the good ole’ days of elementary school!

Since the last day of school we’ve also had a dance recital, a swim meet, Brittany and Bill went on an Indian Princess “campout” to the lake.  Please interpret “campout” loosely … they were in a house and had a bed!  I drove Caroline to Dallas to spend the night and go with some friends to Missouri to camp the next day.  Brittany is now in Galveston on a church trip with a friend.  Jacob is doing a nature “bug” camp and Savannah is doing an art camp.  Throw in a couple of piano lessons, taekwondo, some VBS prep, and daily swim practice and it feels like … well, Grand Central Station.

The next line in the song goes:

Tonight I’m not takin’ no calls cuz I’ll be dancin'.

And I’ll tell you this … if I was the one writing the song I’d have to change the line to …

“Tonight I’m not takin’ no calls cuz I’ll be SNOOZIN’”!!

Good night!